Cameroonian movies

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How to watch cameroonian movies for free online.

Nowadays, there are several apps which permits you to watch tv on your smartphone. Examples of this apps are yabadoo, cinaf tv.

These are apps are available on play store. In this article we will focus on cinaf tv. 

Cinaf tv is first of all a channel which is available on the bt media decoder. In this channel you shall watch the best Cameroonian movies and tv shows of the moment. Since they wanted to get closer to their fans they decided to create their own mobile app. Click Here to install cinaf tv on your smartphone.

How does this app works?

  • First install it by clicking Here
  • Select cinaf tv and click install
  • After installation is finish open it and create your account.
  • Remember to select the check box saying you agree to their policy and press login
  • You are now in the app
  • You shall see a footer navigation bar down with the following buttons
  • Profile,subscription and Tv
  • Select tv then you will be directed to a page with 2 channel in a list.
  • Select either cinaf tv or balafon tv and watch your movie live.

nb: This app works only with data and if you pay subscription you can download your tv shows and watch them offline.

Some advantages of this app are;

  1. Its easy to use
  2. You can watch movies for free
  3. The subscription package is affordable and you can pay via Orange money or momo.
  4. The quality of images is super clean and it don't scratch especially when your mobile connection is excellent.

For me this app is the best, i give it a 9/10.

Other similar apps like cinaf tv are;

Sango tv, yabadoo and njoka tv.

This is all for this article thanks for reading till the end.

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