Seduction made easy

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How to seduce any woman via sms/WhatsApp.

Hello guys it's @thestreetwriter1 , i will be talking about seduction today. Just to remind you that i recently posted a YouTube video.

Why do you need a girlfriend

  • To share your success and difficulties.
  • To prepare yourself for mariage
  • To entertain yourself

To date a woman you need 3 things

  1. Time
  2. energy
  3. Money

If you can't sacrifice this things above bro just run away from problems.

How do you know a woman is interesting in you?

  • She has your time
  • She always come to your rendezvous
  • She cook for you
  • She give you sex

To know more about seduction just sacrifice 1k to buy this Ebook.

This is all for this post, happy x-mas in advance.

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